New readers start here; Our heroine had successfully lost over 60 lbs, but has slowly gained back a stone. Shocked at the shocking state of her, she resolves to do without sugar for 100 days.
And that you all should hear about it, you lucky people.
Now read on…
Swam as usual this morning. Managed a paltry pace, but did bring in the last 50 metres at 48 seconds. My fastest is 40 seconds, so I’m way behind there. I wonder what on earth I must look like to the rest of them in there; some sort of flipper-clapping seal or walrus shaped creature that really should know better. Imagine the conversation at the poolside;
“That was a great session! How did you do, Walrus Claire?”
“Arrgh Arrgh Arrgh!”

“Siouper Siesson Siays I!” (I’m holding in my stomach in this one.)
I was sorry to learn that Darragh McDonald (@Darragh_McD on Twitter) won’t be taking part in the European Championships due to a hernia. Hope he is feeling better soon. His sessions in the pool are two hours each, twice a day, so I have very little to complain about.
And managed to successfully avoid the biscuits after dinner again, which is my danger time. It is not much, admittedly, but it is something and I’m claiming it.